Мероприятие получилось безумно милым, во многом благодаря замечательным собачкам, которые создали в зале очень положительное настроение. И даже не смотря на небольшой казус (еще до начала показа во всем доме отключился свет), атмосфера не испортилась.
On Thursday, October 4th, in Just Cafe I attended a very extraordinary event - Dogs Fashion Show. Beautiful well-dressed dogs and their, not less spectacular, owners demonstrated the costumes created by a dog fashion designer "Arehova". For dog's healthy and beautiful look, in addition to an elegant hairstyle, a Veterinary Clinic "Dobrodiy" was responsible. For more information, please follow the link - http://salondobrodiy.com.ua/.
The event appeared to be very sweet mostly thanks to amazing dogs, who created inside a very positive mood. And even despite the small incident (before the show began the light had been switched off inside the whole building) the atmosphere remained the same.
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