13 марта модный дом OBRANI представил украинским ценителям высокой моды показ своей коллекции осень-зима 2013-2014. Локацией для показа была выбрана недостроенная станция метро "Львівська Брама". Гостей ожидал настоящий сюрприз, так как место проведения не разглашалось вплоть до самой последней минуты, для большинства гостей сценарий мероприятия и сам по себе спуск в метро стал необычным приключением.
Атмосфера была создана на высочайшем уровне: музыка, коллекция, антураж, свет, сам подиум - все воплощало целостную идею.
On March 13 a fashion house OBRANI has presented to all the ukrainian admirers of high fashion the new fall/winter 2013-2014 collection. The location for the show was picked the unfinished metro station "L'vivs'ka Brama". A real surprise was prepared for the guests because the place was not disclosed till a very last minute and for the biggest part of the guests all the scenario of the event and the descent to a subway itself has become an extraordinary adventure.
The atmosphere was created at the highest level: the music, the collection, the entourage, the light and the catwalk itself - everything personified an integral idea.
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Подиум OBRANI за 8 часов до показа OBRANI catwalk 8 hours before the show |
The remarkable details in the collection have become buttons-magnets that were sewn inside the clothes. Such kind of fastener very much increases the usability and the easiness of putting on the garments. Also the massive zippers on the dresses, jackets and jackboots were very beautiful. Thanks to a talented combination they were not making clothes look heavier and were not overcharging them.
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photo by Buro 247 |
Кутюрная коллекция достойна особого внимания. Расшитые вручную платья восхищали своей красотой. Свет на показе был подобран так, что под определенным углом вся вышивка переливалась и блестела, это добавляло особого шика и без того эксклюзивным вещам.
The couture collection deserves a special attention. The beauty of the dresses embroidered by hand left a lasting impression. The light for the show was selected in the way that from a certain angle the embroidery glittered and shined, this was adding a particular chic to all the exclusive dresses.
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Photo by UFtv |
Below is my selection of photos from the fashion show as well as the selection of videos from several sources that demonstrate how the same events could be perceived in different ways. But everyone has concurred that no one had ever organized an event like this in Ukraine. The opinion about art is always subjective but when our conversation comes to a size of the event or its originality we must say that everybody was impressed.
Полное видео показа и детальный фототчет доступны по ссылке:
The full video of a fashion show and the detailed photo-report are available via this link:
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OBRANI осень/зима 2013-2014 OBRANI fall/winter 2013-2014 (photos by Buro 247) |
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