Узнав о мероприятии несколько месяцев назад и все еще находясь под впечатлением после его предыдущего выступления о Коко Шанель, я сразу же заказала билет.
Today I am going to talk about the mono-performance of the well-known fashion historian and fashion expert Alexandre Vassiliev. The mono-performance with a nontrivial title "Hollywood and fashion. In each other’s arms" took place in a congress-hall of "President" hotel on Wednesday, June 12.
I first heard about the event few months ago and as I was still under impression after his previous performance about Coco Chanel I immediately ordered the ticket.
В свойственной только ему ироничной манере изложения историк поделился любопытными фактами из мира кино и моды, изложил свое видение цикличности модных образов. Он рассказал о таких женских образах, как фам-фаталь, инженю, флэппер, блондинка, женщина-вамп, пин-ап, которые возникли однажды и цитируются впредь как в повседневной жизни, так и в мире кино. О том как все эти женщины создавали свои образы, играя на достоинствах, и о том как легко с помощью нескольких, вполне логичных, уловок стилистам и дизайнерам по костюмам удается представить голливудских звезд в самом выгодном свете. Такую же аналогию он провел и в отношении одежды и моды, показав фотографии голливудских звезд 20 века.
Также, он подчеркнул, что женщины, образы которых в свое время считались идеалом, в жизни обладали кучей недостатков во внешности и только благодаря работе над собой и тому, что им удалось найти тот самый свой образ и выгодно подать свои достоинства, они добились признания.
In his very particular ironical manner of reciting the historian shared the curious facts about the world of cinema and fashion, expounded his vision of cyclicality of the fashion characters. He told us about such female characters as femme fatale, ingenue, flapper, blond, vamp women, pin up, that appeared once but are still being referred in everyday life as well as in the world of cinema. Also, he revealed how all these women were creating their characters while playing on their best qualities and how easily with a help of some quite logical tricks stylists and costume designers manage to show off the hollywood stars from the best side. He traced the same analogy concerning the clothes and fashion while showing the pictures of the hollywood stars of 20th century.
In addition, he underlined that all these women, the characters of which in their period of time were considered to be the ideals, in their real life had a lot of defects in their appearance. Only thanks to their work on themselves and thanks to their ability to find their very own image and to underline their best sides they've managed to get the recognition.
Я думаю именно поэтому до темы современного мира кино так и не дошла очередь.
Though the performance lasted almost four hours Alexandre Vassiliev unfortunately managed to come only to the 70's years of 20th century. I wish I could hear more about his interpretation of the modern Hollywood. But I think this was not a randomness cause during his previous performance he was asked a question why the fashion expert always discovers the theme of the designers of 20th century and never prepares something about our coevals and Alexandre answered : "I am not interested in the modern fashion, it is boring and monotonous. This is my personal opinion that you may not agree."
I think that is the reason why the turn to speak about the modern world of cinema never came.
2 коммент.:
Было бы отлично, если бы сайтов таких было бы побольше
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