С 27 по 29 июня в Одессе пройдет Holiday Fashion Week, а это значит, что есть еще один повод провести следующие выходные в Одессе.

From June 17 to June 29 in Odessa the Holiday Fashion Week is going to take place which means that there is one more reason to spend your next weekend in Odessa.
Among the fashion shows, fashion-events and parties that are planned for Holiday Fashion Week a fashion-design contest "Look into the Future" will also be a part of program. On June 29 the 17 talented previously selected finalists will present us their works. The contest is considered to be one of the most authoritative ukrainian contests among young fashion designers. This contest was once a starting point for many now very well-known ukrainian designers.

Но Holiday Fashion Week не единственная причина почему я еду в Одессу. С 28 по 30 июня там состоится сальса-фестиваль "Одесса-Бум 7", который я тоже планирую посетить в первый раз. Так что, эти выходные обещают быть по-настоящему насыщенными и необычными.
But Holiday Fashion Week is not the only reason why I am going to Odessa. From June 28 to June 30 a salsa-festival "Odessa Boom 7" will be held there. I am going to visit it for the first time. To sum up, this weekend promises to be really extraordinary and full of events.

Уже начинаю паковать чемоданы и мыслями перемещаться в Одессу.
Увидимся там! ;)
I am coming to Odessa on June 28 and starting from this day I am going to update actively my Instagram profile : @niedielinaliuba and to post the photo-reports in this blog, so follow the updates.
I am already starting to pack my bags and to move my thoughts towards Odessa.
See you there! ;)
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