Вечером, как и планировалось, я посетила показы на Odessa Holiday Fashion Week. Мне было очень интересно посмотреть на совместный показ Black & White summer looks дизайнеров PODOLYAN, VOROZHBYT & ZEMSKOVA, Elena BURBA и KamenskaKononova. Монохромные сочетания - моя слабость. Кстати, в тот день я тоже была в черно-белом. :)
On the next day of my stay in Odessa I joined my friends at the salsa-festival "Odessa Boom 7", which was taking place there during that time. To put it mildly, the impression was not as good as I expected. I was waiting for something bigger. The ordinary spectator wouldn't distinguish that festival from the animation near the hotel somewhere, for example, in Egypt. If there was no my friendly and funny company I wouldn't know what I was doing there.
In the evening, according to my plan, I attended the fashion shows at Odessa Holiday Fashion Week. I was curious to see the joint fashion show Black & White summer looks of PODOLYAN, VOROZHBYT & ZEMSKOVA, Elena BURBA и KamenskaKononova designers. The monochrome looks are my weakness. By the way, that day I was wearing black and white too. :)
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Black & White summer looks |
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Odessa Holiday Fashion week: Black & White summer looks (fashionweek.ua) |
The next show according to the schedule was the fashion show of Andre Tan, which was closing Odessa Holiday Fashion Week.
Подводя итоги Odessa Holiday Fashion Week, хочется прежде всего поблагодарить организаторов за прекрасное мероприятие и конечно же дизайнеров за их по-летнему воздушные вдохновляющие коллекции.
To summarize the Odessa Holiday Fashion Week, first of all I'd like to thank the organizers for a wonderful event and of course to thank the designers for their summer light and inspirational collections.
Но на этом мои насыщенные выходные не закончились. Этим же вечером мы с друзьями выступили с нашим танцевальным номером на фестивале "Одесса-Бум 7", а отметить успешное выступление поехали в пляжный комплекс Ibiza, который ночью превращается в великолепный ночной клуб.
But that was not the way my weekend ended. The same evening me and my friends performed our dance number at the festival "Odessa Boom 7" and in order to celebrate the successful performance we went to the beach resort Ibiza, that turns into a gorgeous night club in the night time.
Ночной клуб Ibiza
Night club Ibiza |
2 коммент.:
Классное видео, видимо было интересно))
Было очень интересно)
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