С каждым разом Украинская неделя моды делает огромный шаг вперед, расширяя программу, увеличивая число авторитетных гостей и привлекая новых партнеров. На сегодняшний день это уникальное событие, которое набирает все большего размаха и масштаба.
While I continue to share with you the trendy novelties and the fashion weeks of the "big four" are nearly over, our own Ukrainian fashion week is approaching. This season it will be held from October 9th to October 13th. Five days of nonstop fashion shows, presentations, installations, educational programs and parties.
Each time the Ukrainian fashion week makes a big step forward, while extending the program as well as the number of authoritative guests and involving the new partners. Nowadays this is a unique event, which continues to grow bigger.
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