Новая коллекция Balenciaga, созданная талантливым дизайнером Александром Вонгом, который в данный момент возглавляет модный дом. Его инновационные способы трансформации истории бренда на современный лад дали по-настоящему свежее дыхание модному дому. Вопрос в том, как ему удается играть с трехмерными формами, тяжелыми молниями (по крайней мере, они выглядят тяжелыми), различными методами деконструкции и в то же сохранять женственность и элегантность в образах. Волшебным способом вещи остаются простыми и носибельными. Не могу дождаться, когда коллекция поступит в магазины. Она однозначно достойна внимания.
The new collection of Balenciaga created by a talented designer Alexander Wang, who's currently a head designer of this brand. His inventive methods of reworking the brand's history in a modern way have given a fresh breath to a famous fashion house. The question is how he manages to play with three-dimensional shapes, heavy (or at least they look like heavy ones) zippers, various deconstruction methods and at the same time to preserve femininity and elegance in the looks. The magic is that garments remain simple and wearable. Can't wait to see this collection in stores. It's definitely worth checking out.
RTW Fall 2014: Balenciaga |
RTW Fall 2014: Balenciaga |
RTW Fall 2014: Balenciaga |
RTW Fall 2014: Balenciaga |
RTW Fall 2014: Balenciaga |
4 коммент.:
I want the pants and sweaters in the collection Now! If only I had the money to make couture purchases. I am a huge fan of Alexander Wang. He invents fashion not follows it. He is such a fashion visionary. I enjoyed reading your post. If you would be interested in reading my blog and following each other that would be fabulous.
отличная коллекция!
Hi Sharon, I totally agree!) He is a great designer, very talented! I do respect what he does and the way he invents fashion. By the way, some time ago I wrote about one of his genius PR-moves, you can find it following this link: http://lnopinion.blogspot.com/2013/09/all-great-things-are-simple.html
I would like to hear your opinion ;)
Daria, полностью согласна :)
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